
Spring is here! and with that, the famous Spring cleaning. Having a nice clean space at your office is as important as having it at home. An orderly and tidy workplace improves productivity and boosts creativity. At JMC we already started with the literature room! You...

  At JMC we are very passionate about education in the 21st-century learning. We are so lucky to have the best Educational Environment Architects in our team, that bring their knowledge of healthy movement at any project. “Successful learning must engage the body, the mind, and the...

O Canada! Our home and native land! Happy 150th Birthday eh! In celebration of Canada’s big 1-5-0, Jonathan Morgan & Company are putting the spotlight on our vendors who manufacture in Canada. While we’re super proud of the wide range of International vendors we work with, this...

WARNING: Inspiration Alert!! The following contents may lead the viewer to experience feelings of severe envy and classroom inspiration. Viewers are advised the take said inspiration, and channel it to their own school boards for optimal classroom functionality and performance. - [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVGh-69XQzg[/embed]  Video Credit: KenoraCatholicDSB Case Study: Kenora Catholic District...