11 Mar Technology Studios in the 21st Century Schools
Integrating computers and new technology into everyday work stations is becoming more common in schools, with the rising popularity of helpful teaching and learning tools.
The Technology Studio is a place in the school where students can activate their learning. These studios don’t necessarily have to mean ridged tables around the room or rows of stationary computers. The beauty about technology is that the strongest tools lie in the palm of our hand. And with new technology comes new teaching opportunities. Designing an environment that will allow teachers to modify their methods and expectations as technology changes is imperative for student success in this day and age. The goal of a Technology Studio is to give the students and teachers control of their learning in an inviting atmosphere.
However, as convenient as it is to have a designated technology studio always set-up and ready, there are other alternatives that can be used strictly in your classroom. Such products like Touch LED projectors, Touch Display Boards, interactive whiteboards and document cameras are great examples. The products allow teachers to be flexible in their methods of teaching; incorporating collaborative and teacher-led lessons. Teacher-led Learning puts students at the centre of the educational environment, thus more engaged, more collaborative, and more motivated. But the teacher still drives the instruction, making teaching less challenging and more rewarding.
Collaborative learning spaces entitle students to work together with other students in classrooms across the world to consider multiple perspectives, analyze different solutions, and carefully solve problems. Classroom software has been a major contributor of technology integration into the classroom with the products like the MimioStudio™ interactive whiteboard software; teachers have greater flexibility and more options for providing effective learning that supports collaborative learning in small groups using tablets and laptops.
We have only just begun to realize the conveniences that can be made available through technology, and we are excited to be a part of incorporating it into our schools!
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