29 Oct What’s your Teacher Superpower?
Teachers are without doubt superheroes. They possess many superpowers that they bring to their classrooms to improve the world. From imparting knowledge to building character.
Nowadays, in most households, both parents must work to provide for their families. This means that they are spending less time with their kids, so the demands of having a great qualified educator are bigger than ever. However, teachers do not get enough credit for their amazing contribution to our society and their superpowers. They are constantly stepping out of their way, they become the cheerleaders for our kids, their Google, the ones that inject all of these personal values.
Some of them would become lifetime superheroes for the children as they would identify the root of their issues to help fix them. They will spend most of their time inspiring greatness and trying to make our kids happy.
Here are some of the thing’s teachers do that make them superheroes and reveal just how amazing they are:
1-Super Patience
They have the ability to maintain calm in every situation. I truly admire how they survive their day after spending all day in a room full of pre-schoolers/teenagers! If that is not a superpower, I have no idea what it is.
2-They seem to have lots of arms
They are amazing multi-taskers. They have a big number of responsibilities including making lots of decisions each day. They will be talking with one child while helping the other.
3-They are often underestimated
They can make the most boring subject, the most interesting to the students. They will find the most effective way for their students to learn. They’ll go above and beyond to make sure learning happens.
4-Mind control
They always know what to say to control every situation. They have this power to make everyone feel how in control they are in their classrooms.
5-Super memorization
they have the ability to memorize 30 names in a single day!
What’s your teacher superpower?
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