09 Sep Mimio Collaborative Learning
Today’s pedagogy in K-12 education has shifted towards a cross-curricular, collaborative approach to learning, in which the emphasis is on assessing understanding and knowledge, rather than memorization of facts. To be truly successful, students now need to have a deep comprehension of concepts and develop 21st century skills like critical thinking and collaboration. Keeping up with these new requirements has sent whirlwinds of change across K-12 education. Group learning and student-centric approaches are increasingly replacing textbooks, lectures, and note-taking.
Education is moving away from “teaching to the test” toward teaching for learning’s sake. Best teaching practices now consist of cross-curricular instruction and project-based, student-centric, collaborative approaches that capture students’ interest and boost their ownership of the learning experience. With or without educational technology Now that collaboration is an essential component of today’s learning environment, many schools are increasingly turning to educational technology. Educational technology can facilitate student collaboration by empowering students to work easily together in developing critical thinking skills and building their knowledge across all curricular areas. These skills are essential for students’ future success and align to the new curriculum. Whether it’s two students working together or many more, they help each other learn more effectively through collaboration. Imagine just a few ways in which technology in your classrooms can help you to get your students collaborating:
- Use mobile devices in small groups to get students to work together on specific projects, and then share the results with the whole group via an interactive whiteboard.
- Use mobile devices to take real-time polls of individuals and groups to drive discussion and debate.
- Employ document cameras to share physical work.
- Give one or more students the opportunity to lead the class in discussion or on a project.
Classroom technology engages students in ways that “old school” methods cannot, and teachers confirm that once the technology is introduced to their classroom, there’s no turning back. When collaboration is the goal, the benefits of educational technology are undisputable.
Whether you want to improve your whole-class, get more collaboration and engaging lessons, or even want to introduce new ways for self-assessment. We’re here to help you.
What Whole-Class learning Can Be
Whether the teacher is presenting a new concept or several students are working together at the front of the room, Boxlight interactive technologies offer an effective, engaging, and easy way to provide teacher-led instruction. Whole-class learning can take place from 4K touch-technology to a 130-inch brilliant interactive projected area, and our software and hardware allow the teacher to be anywhere in the classroom.
What Assessment Can Be
You know that measuring student understanding in real time enable enhanced student outcomes. Boxlight technology gives you options for student self-assessments via numeric, short-answer, and short-essay questions. Open0eneded response questions will help student practice and build essential skills. Whether you want to use a clicker –based system like MimioVote, on your Apple, Android or web based device or a downloaded-able app for your student’s smart-phone
What Collaboration Can Be

Students learn more effectively through collaboration in a student-centred, interactive environment. With the MimioPad wireless pen tablet and MimioMobile app for almost any mobile device, students can share their group work in real time, Mimio tools help teach the collaboration skills so important for success in today’s classroom.
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