20 Feb How to freshen up your office space on a budget
People tend to think that hiring an Interior Designer is a luxury. However, having them will actually help you save time and money. How? Well, they are trained to find a way to balance budget and beauty.
Thankfully, having a great, well-planned office space doesn’t necessarily mean spending the big bucks. You can play with space and elements that you have and just add a few pieces to maximize the room and make it look nicer.
There is a lot of controversy about open spaces right now. Some of them say it could affect employee’s productivity, however, one thing is for sure – strategically setting up the space plan to an open space can help you to save money, as you’ll need fewer things around.
Here are some examples of what you can do to Fresh-up your office space in a budget:
Wallpapers and Architectural Walls
Wallpapers bring a sophisticated look to any space. We use them at home and they could also be used in an office space to create a trendy look. Architectural walls like “SKY” from Artopex, will give a new dimension to your space as they are designed to create bright, inspiring workplaces that foster efficiency and collaboration.
Ergonomic Furniture
Flexible furniture such as adjustable tables and active seating, so that you can move around and adapt to each work environment
Having the right light can even change the mood of the employees. Ideally, you would have access to natural light, but if you are not lucky enough to have windows, artificial light can do the job. If you go for artificial, you want to have the right accessories to achieve visual comfort. Take a look at Artopex’s collection that could help with that.
I’m sure you have heard about the Biophilia trend. If not, you can read more on our previous blog post. Bringing nature into your workspace will enhance the well-being of your employees and bring that mental break we need when spending so much time in front of the screen.
It is also a great idea to fill out those corners where nothing else fits and become a waste of space.
Are you ready to take your office to the next level? Contact us today!
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