07 May Helping students get safely back to school
What will be the new normal? “We will not go back to what life was like before January of this year,” Canada’s chief public health officer, Theresa Tam, said last week in releasing updated COVID-19 prognostications.
Schools will need to find a way to help students get safely back to school and we are here to help. Here are some suggestions from our JMC Team:
1.Space planning for students will be key to maintaining a 2 meter distance while also providing barriers for separation in areas where distance is a challenge.

2.Providing hand sanitizer, gloves, masks or sinks for regular hand washing is also key to germ management.

3.Keeping surfaces clean with antiseptic cleaner is important and easy to clean and moisture resistant surfaces are available for all school furniture.

4.Monitoring students temperature quickly and accurately can also be an option to help determine if someone should or should not be at school.

Head over to our store to find what you need to have your classroom safe and ready.
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