20 Dec Furnishing Ideas for Your Classroom: College & University
College and University furniture selections can be more challenging compared to grade school furniture selections. You no longer have a maximum of 26 students per classroom; you have around 4x that amount of students per classroom. Subsequently you need furniture that is durable, modern, and flexible to meet the constant change of classrooms. In university settings there is more to consider when purchasing furniture for your learning, conference, library, lounge, and administration areas. In this blog you will read about the top 5 products for Higher Education learning environments.
#1 Stand-at Module
This application is best for the travelling professor. The stand-at module is a portable shelf, cabinet, and podium. Bring all your lecture notes and materials to classes with ease. Then once is class is done roll on over to your office hours.
#2 Sit-at and Stand-at Table
The SitAndStand series from VS America is a great addition to any classroom set-up. Thus giving students the flexibility to be able to choose how they want to learn. The table height is continuously adjustable and comes with an integrated grasping release mechanism for ease of movement. Experience has shown that having at least one mobile and fully height-adjustable table per room is very important. The table surface should be large enough so that four to five students can work together as a team. Activities such as reading, project based learning, free work and many other kinds of collaboration can all be done more effectively when students are standing as opposed to sitting.
#3 Flip & Nesting Tables
The very creative names of the FlipTable and LiteTable from VS America offer a more multi-purpose use for your classrooms. Room can be easily made for presentations and labs; you can easily stack your LiteTable or move your FlipTables to the back corner to nest. We consider these tables a must have for private and technical schools that offer smaller class sizes.
#4 Task Chairs
The difference between a task chair and a regular chair is that task chairs offer more movement to the students. The simple addition of castors makes a huge difference in learning. The flexible chair seat of the PantoMove has the naturally dynamic functions of human beings constitute a system which the legs are included in the range of movement. The advantage of active feet is by activating the leg muscles the student improves the blood flow to the heart and the brain. This advantage has been revealed in studies where students’ upper body surface temperature has been measured thermographically.
#5 Media Boards
The MediaBoard Pro is possibly the coolest board system on today’s education market. The MediaBoard Pro is 100% customizable as it offers many different additions to meet your learning needs. The board system works by creating slotting for hanging boards on the rail system. Depending on the rail type and level, it can optionally be used on two sides or one side and can be easily slid. Boards at level 1 can be slid over elements of the picture rail and the magnetically adherent strip. Boards at level 2 can also be slid over level 1 suspension elements. In addition, the boards come in different surface materials depending on what your needs may be for your classroom. You can get steel enamel (with and without lines) for chalk and whiteboards, cork linoleum, natural cork and felt covering (suitable for pins).
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