19 Jun Video: Transforming your classroom
WARNING: Inspiration Alert!!
The following contents may lead the viewer to experience feelings of severe envy and classroom inspiration. Viewers are advised the take said inspiration, and channel it to their own school boards for optimal classroom functionality and performance.
Video Credit: KenoraCatholicDSB
Case Study: Kenora Catholic District School Board, Ontario
The grade 7 and 8 department head of St. Thomas Aquinas High School, was told by students that they would rather study on the floor in the hall than in their chairs and desks in her classroom. So, she went to their School Board and asked to put area rugs and cushions on the floor in each of the 7 and 8’s classrooms. Before she knew it, she and several others were meeting with David Jakes (Designer and Education Leader/Planner) in Chicago and touring several furniture manufacturer showrooms to decide how they wanted to proceed with their new learning studios. Needless to say, staff chose VS America as the product they wanted to implement, including:
- Hokki stools
- PantoSwing-LuPo Forward-flexing cantilever chair
- Compass-LuPo chair
- Shift+ Thumbprint Stackable four-legged tables
- Shift+ Fusion Flip Folding table
- Shift+ landscape cabinets with seat modules
- Puzzle free-form table
- Puzzle upholstered lounge
Jonathan Morgan & Company are the exclusive VS America dealer in British Columbia and Yukon. We have designed and furnished numerous BC schools who see the value in providing students with furniture that is comfortable, functional and ideal for a 21st century learning environment. Learn more about previous JM&C projects, including:
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