Sitting Is The New Smoking

Sitting Is The New Smoking

An Ergonomic Approach to the Classroom or Office!


We all know ergonomics are very important when it comes to working in an office or teaching at a school. Sitting is great, but too much can be troublesome. Height-adjustable tables offer you the flexibility of standing up – without interrupting your work. Sit or stand as you like to decrease stress and increase well-being in the workplace.


10 Reasons to Convert to a Height Adjustable Work Station


Today’s workplace is changing. Sitting at a desk all day is no longer acceptable for a workforce wanting more flexibility, increased comfort, and improved health. Sitting all day has proven to be unproductive, uncomfortable and unhealthy.

According to research:

  1. Sitting is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and death.
  2. Sitting strikes approximately 92,000 people each year with avoidable cancer.
  3. If you sit for a living, your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is twice that of someone who stands on the job.
  4. Sitting six-plus hours per day makes you up to 40 percent likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits fewer than three, even if you exercise.
  5. Sitting is said to be as deadly as smoking.
  6. When we sit, electrical activity in the legs shuts down enzymes that help break down fat by 90 percent and calorie burning drops to one per minute.
  7. Sitting causes good cholesterol levels to drop after two hours.
  8. Researchers have linked sedentary behavior to increased risk of several forms of cancer and blood clots, which can cause strokes and heart attacks, among other health problems.
  9. Sitting causes the risk of diabetes to increase 24 percent.
  10. One study found that sitting for less than three hours a day could increase life expectancy by two years.

Height Adjustable Tables - Artopex

Why Should I Be Standing?


Standing will increase blood flow in the body, making you feel more awake and energized, whereas sitting will increase drowsiness and will affect productivity. Standing while working is proven to increase productivity, and it also feels great to stretch your legs for a while! We carry a wide variety of height adjustable work stations, such as ones that are electric, manual with a hand crank and even ones with a built in treadmill or elliptical! Who says working a desk job means being lazy? Not us!



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