09 Feb FISA BC Conference Update
Last Thursday February 4th, Jonathan Morgan & Company attended the FISABC Conference. It was an exciting day for our Education Client Specialist, Ashley Johnson and our Marketing Coordinator Lesley McSweeney. The dynamic duo loved answering questions, and listening to stories from teachers about how real students are using our products.
A couple of stories in particular stood out amongst the many. One teacher addressed her concerns about how some old school teachers are reluctant to move with the new age change in learning. This particular teacher told them she has worked with teachers who refuse the use of Hokki stools in the class because the other students may not have them. As a Hokki Stool enthusiast (and not just because I sell them) I truly believe that the children who need to move around in order to learn have the right to do so. The girls at the trade show heard nothing but great things from real teachers about how they are making a real difference in the classroom and their students.
A cute story that was shared by another teacher was how one of her grade 2 students uses his Hokki stool to “swim across the ocean to chase sharks”. It proves how creative kids can be once they are stationed on a Hokki stool!
This show was a major success and we cant thank everyone who helped contribute enough! We hope to see you at the next show!
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